Second Sun April 13, 2008 atomic bomb cheeseburger cries destruction faux skylight gothic arches Huber's Cafe kerosene mahogany old computer ornaments Portland roof of constellations second sun world war two +
tomorrow's the day April 11, 2008 bicycle cigarette crash garbage beach hill industrial militant homelessness Portland security guard tarps tomorrow trash +
Her ass in the air like a beagle in heat April 10, 2008 adult beagle che guevarra culture in heat monocle Portland swollen velvet painting museum +
Attn: Plummer April 09, 2008 bar beer bike dockhands Georgia's landmark longshoremen max Portland poverty thursday +
Weathered ball-18 lines, 9 rhymes April 09, 2008 children junk new plump pump seattle splinters truck Weathered ball you +
Spare Lunch/Hung Juror April 07, 2008 bruised knuckles faded tattoo hung juror odd people old people Portland sandwiches smoker's cough Spare Lunch surgeries +
I didn't ask for her number because I wanted it April 01, 2008 exceeding reasonable speedlimits fear ill-lit Portland possibilities racing +